For all new updates on The Nae Project and Kokichi, head over to my new website at www.naeproject.ca
Member terms and Privacy policy
This member section is provided for students, performers and associates to use as a source for materials, resources, dialogue and discussion pertaining to the practice and performance of Japanese music.
The public forums provided for members to network and discuss are not provided for political or religious purposes.
Offensive, profane or hate directed content is forbidden and language of this nature is filtered to a limited extent, but members acknowledge that this site is not at all responsible for the content posted by members; that members agree by using member's only spaces, to be held accountable for what they post; that they agree not to use hateful or offensive language; that they agree not to attempt or to act to alter or interfere with the content of this website as provided; that they agree to be civil to other members; that they will respect all manner of copyright and not use any content provided here in replication or distribution at all without express consent of the provider.
Members agree that they may have their membership access and privileges revoked at any time at the sole discretion of the site owner without specific reason.
Privacy policy
Users are asked to provide their names, email addresses and may provide other personalized information at their own discretion.
This information is used by the site owner to provide additional information and resources to site users, students and members and is not sold or provided wilfully to any third parties.
To the extent that the site owner is not in charge of the software or service provided in creating this web content, members providing such information agree not to hold the site owner responsible if their information is obtained by the service provider or other unknown third party and used in a manner not intended by the member or site owner and that any such damages or liabilities will be settled with the service provider and not the site owner.
Users further agree that they release the site owner from any and all responsibility for damages or liabilities, loss or suffering resulting from their use of this platform in any jurisdiction and indefinitely without statute of limitations or expiry of that agreement.
If user's have concerns about the use of this site, its content or the potential or actual risk or eventuality of damages, losses, liabilities or other, they may contact the site owner with those concerns. The site owner cannot guarantee that a remedy will be available.