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For all new updates on The Nae Project and Kokichi, head over to my new website at

Compositions for download/streaming:
This playlist features music for download for a standard price of $1 CAD. You are free to help support future work and the NAE project by downloading this music by naming a price of your choosing.
Thank you for supporting me and please enjoy this music.
Free to stream:
NAE - なえ
This demo video features original compositions by Kokichi for promoting a project to publish a collection of original works called 'NAE'. Hope you enjoy!
2018 FIFA World Cup - TSN CM
TVO Kids It's My Party
Check out Kokichi and the kids of TVO's It's My Party in 2018's episode featuring Oshogatsu.
Journey through Japan - にっぽん旅情
Performed in January 2015, Nippon Ryojo or "Musical Journey through Japan" highlighted minyo and festival music from across the Japanese islands. Here are some highlights!
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