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Also known as Miya daiko, Josuke and many other names, these are probably the type of drum most people imagine when they hear the word 'taiko'. Made of a solid wood body and with fixed skins tacked on with iron nails, Nagado taiko can be as large as a minivan.
Constructed out of a 'bucket' type body made of light slats of wood with two independent skins tightened to the body with ropes, these drums come in many sizes and shapes. Because the skins can be easily loosened and tightened, the drums can be tuned to suite a variety of performance needs.
Also known as ko-daiko, tsuke-shime daiko, these drums are most commonly made from a solid body. Small in size, they produce a high easily distinguished pitch that is regulated by a process of tightening the skins using extraordinary force.
Shinobue is a term which has come to broadly refer to a wide variety of traverse (sideways) bamboo flutes.
The Shakuhachi is a vertically held bamboo flute with a unique evolution in Japanese history. Its unique tone and versatility of technique have made it one of the most iconic instruments of Japan.
Narimono is a term which broadly refers to an array of small percussive instruments of metal or wood construction. Many have their origins in Buddhist or Shinto ritual and are therefore commonly found in festival music.