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Project NAE approved for funding by the Toronto Arts Council / トロント市アーツ・カウンシルが「なえ」プロジェクトの助成金授与を決定!

Toronto Art Council

Just a few days ago, the results of the Toronto Arts Council grant funding were released, and it appears that Project NAE’s application has been accepted for funding. Together with funding from the Ontario Arts Council approved in August 2018, this marks a big step toward the cost of affording a studio space for the project, and to get Nae off the ground.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Toronto Arts Council’s generous support. It is an incredibly humbling and encouraging endorsement of the project proposal and vision created in 2018.


Nae is a project to compose a collection of original work for Japanese music. As many aspects of working with music (Taiko drums in particular) can present challenges of noise volume that can make it comparatively difficult to find space to work, the project has sought funding to source suitable dedicated work space.


Finding space on a limited budget in Toronto, with the kind of specialized needs that this music presents can be highly challenging. Though further support continues to be sought and applied for, with the support of the Toronto Arts Council, project Nae is on schedule to take off as planned and the search for space begins...


My thanks to the Toronto Arts Council for this valuable and generous support!




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